Members' Forum

Picture by Ursula Okle

* renew the registration
* cancel the registration
** Announcement of the Personal Payment Date
Our official magazine Current number
* KYÔSHÔ #409(2024 9/11 English)  New!
* KYÔSHÔ #409(2024 Summer Japanese) New!
 ** Group picture of the 199th San'un Zendo Sesshin (July 10-15 2024):New!
[ KYÔSHÔ ] Back numbers
* Mumonkan
* Hekiganroku
* Shôyôroku

* Denkôroku
Mumonkan 1-48 [Japanish-englisch]

Hekiganroku 1-50 [Japanish-englisch]  
Hekiganroku 51-100 [Japanish-englisch]  
* Translation of Yamada Kôun Roshi's Teisho on the Hekiganroku(Blue Cliff Record)
* Translation of Yamada Kôun Roshi's Teisho on the Shoyoroku(Book of Equanimity)
** Upcoming Hybrid Zazenkai and Sesshin 
** 2023-2024 Schedule of the SANBÔZEN in Japan  
* Hannnya-Shingyo
* Shigu-Seiganmon (Four Great Vows)

Dear Sanbo Zen members,

The ongoing migration to the new Sanbo Zen International website is mostly done, and we will be closing the Member Forum of this website at the end of July, 2024.

Most of the main content in the Member Forum has been migrated to the Members-only page in the new website.

If you have never logged in to the new website, please fill out the following form.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Announcement and Request to the Readers:

On April 29, 2022, there was a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Sanbozen Society. The discussion was centered upon the new system for the automated management of the membership as well as membership fee payment. The following is the gist of decisions made, which at the same time includes a request for cooperation to our readers:


br> 2)
It was Ms. Yamada Mutsuko who has been organizing the construction of the new system. At the Board meeting she was formally appointed chief of the system management of Sanbozen Society and thus one of the board Directors of Sanbozen Society by the President (Presently there are 18 Directors with Ryoun Roshi as the President).
ince the new system has proven to be feasible, the time is now come to switch the membership fee payment system from the old method to the new one with a credit card. In the next months you will be receiving a mail requesting to make a transit action concerning your membership fee payment method. When this comes, please understand the intention of the procedure and kindly cooperate to smooth out the future system of our Society.
Ken'ichi Kuramoto
Chief of Staff and Coordinator
Secretariat of Sanbozen society

** Membership
Please select:       
renew the registration        cancel the registration
(= pay the annual membership fee of US$50) (= withdraw from the SANBÔZEN Society)
To contents

**** Announcement ****

Announcement of the Personal Payment Date (PPD)
in the IDs and the Change of the IDs for the Older Members:

In order to make it easy for each member to identify his/her Personal Payment Date (PPD) on which the annual membership fee should be regularly paid, the Secretariat of the SANBÔZEN Society has decided to take the following measures:

For the older members with the ID figures starting with "A" (e.g.: "A000Xxxx"): The date of the payment in the year 2008 will be incorporated in the new ID to indicate the PPD. (If you have already paid for 2008, the date of that payment will be reflected in the new IDs as the PPD.) E.g.: If a member with the present ID "A000X371" pays the fee on April 1, 2008, his/her ID will be "A080401A". The member will know from the last 4 digits (0401) that his/her PPD is April 1. So, every year he/she can easily see that the annual payment should be made around April 1.

Those older members who have obtained the new IDs and the corresponding new passwords are requested to enter our homepage with those new figures.

This changing process will take one whole year, as the members naturally pay their fees quite individually. We ask for your understanding.@

For members with the ID figures starting with "B" (e.g.: "BxxxxxxA"): The PPD is already incorporated in the ID. E.g.: If you became a member and paid the fee on April 1, 2007, your ID reads "B070401A." From the last 4 digits (0401) it becomes clear that the PPD is April 1.
Secretariat of the SANBÔZEN Soceity
To contents

    (our official magazine)

New !¨ * KYÔSHÔ #409(9/11 English)
New !¨ * KYÔSHÔ #409(2024 Summer Japanese) Japanese.pdf
To contents

** Group picture of the 199th San'un Zendo Sesshin (July 10-15 2024):


**Right-click on the photo and select "Open link" for a larger image.
Right click and select save as to download

To contents

** Library

        [ KYÔSHÔ ] Back numbers

To contents

** Introductory Lectures


To contents

** Koan Collections

                ** Please click here.

* Mumonkan

* Hekiganroku

* Shôyôroku

* Denkôroku



Teisho by Yamada Ryôun Roshi on the Koan Collections
     ** Please click here.
     á Mumonkan 1-48â

    á Hekiganroku 1-50â    
    á Hekiganroku 51-100â    

To contents

** Teishos

Translation of Yamada Kôun Roshi's Teisho
on the Hekiganroku (Blue Cliff Record).

Foreword of the Editor Preface of the Author
Hekiganroku 01 Hekiganroku 02 Hekiganroku 03 Hekiganroku 04 Hekiganroku 05
Hekiganroku 06 Hekiganroku 07 Hekiganroku 08 Hekiganroku 09 Hekiganroku 10
Hekiganroku 11 Hekiganroku 12 Hekiganroku 13 Hekiganroku 14 Hekiganroku 15
Hekiganroku 16 Hekiganroku 17 Hekiganroku 18 Hekiganroku 19 Hekiganroku 20
Hekiganroku 21 Hekiganroku 22 Hekiganroku 23 Hekiganroku 24 Hekiganroku 25
Hekiganroku 26 Hekiganroku 27 Hekiganroku 28 Hekiganroku 29 Hekiganroku 30
Hekiganroku 31 Hekiganroku 32 Hekiganroku 33 Hekiganroku 34 Hekiganroku 35
Hekiganroku 36 Hekiganroku 37 Hekiganroku 38 Hekiganroku 39 Hekiganroku 40
Hekiganroku 41 Hekiganroku 42 Hekiganroku 43 Hekiganroku 44 Hekiganroku 45
Hekiganroku 46 Hekiganroku 47 Hekiganroku 48 Hekiganroku 49 Hekiganroku 50
Hekiganroku 51 Hekiganroku 52 Hekiganroku 53 Hekiganroku 54 Hekiganroku 55
Hekiganroku 56 Hekiganroku 57 Hekiganroku 58 Hekiganroku 59 Hekiganroku 60
Hekiganroku 61 Hekiganroku 62 Hekiganroku 63 Hekiganroku 64 Hekiganroku 65
Hekiganroku 66 Hekiganroku 67 Hekiganroku 68 Hekiganroku 69 Hekiganroku 70
Hekiganroku 71 Hekiganroku 72 Hekiganroku 73 Hekiganroku 74 Hekiganroku 75
Hekiganroku 76 Hekiganroku 77 Hekiganroku 78 Hekiganroku 79 Hekiganroku 80
Hekiganroku 81 Hekiganroku 82 Hekiganroku 83 Hekiganroku 84 Hekiganroku 85
Hekiganroku 86 Hekiganroku 87 Hekiganroku 88 Hekiganroku 89 Hekiganroku 90
Hekiganroku 91 Hekiganroku 92 Hekiganroku 93 Hekiganroku 94 Hekiganroku 95
Hekiganroku 96 Hekiganroku 97 Hekiganroku 98 Hekiganroku 99 Hekiganroku 100
To contents

Translation of Yamada Kôun Roshi's Teisho
on the Shoyoroku (Book of Equanimity).

Foreword of the Editor List of Financial Contributors
Shoyoroku 01 Shoyoroku 02 Shoyoroku 03 Shoyoroku 04 Shoyoroku 05
Shoyoroku 06 Shoyoroku 07 Shoyoroku 08 Shoyoroku 09 Shoyoroku 10    
Shoyoroku 11 Shoyoroku 12  Shoyoroku 13  Shoyoroku 14  Shoyoroku 15 
Shoyoroku 16  Shoyoroku 17  Shoyoroku 18  Shoyoroku 19  Shoyoroku 20 
Shoyoroku 21  Shoyoroku 22  Shoyoroku 23  Shoyoroku 24  Shoyoroku 25 
Shoyoroku 26  Shoyoroku 27  Shoyoroku 28  Shoyoroku 29  Shoyoroku 30 
Shoyoroku 31  Shoyoroku 32  Shoyoroku 33  Shoyoroku 34  Shoyoroku 35 
Shoyoroku 36  Shoyoroku 37  Shoyoroku 38  Shoyoroku 39  Shoyoroku 40 
Shoyoroku 41  Shoyoroku 42  Shoyoroku 43  Shoyoroku 44  Shoyoroku 45 
Shoyoroku 46  Shoyoroku 47  Shoyoroku 48  Shoyoroku 49  Shoyoroku 50 
Shoyoroku 51   Shoyoroku 52   Shoyoroku 53   Shoyoroku 54   Shoyoroku 55  
Shoyoroku 56   Shoyoroku 57   Shoyoroku 58   Shoyoroku 59   Shoyoroku 60  
Shoyoroku 61   Shoyoroku 62   Shoyoroku 63   Shoyoroku 64   Shoyoroku 65  
Shoyoroku 66   Shoyoroku 67   Shoyoroku 68   Shoyoroku 69   Shoyoroku 70  
Shoyoroku 71   Shoyoroku 72   Shoyoroku 73   Shoyoroku 74   Shoyoroku 75  
Shoyoroku 76   Shoyoroku 77   Shoyoroku 78   Shoyoroku 79   Shoyoroku 80  
Shoyoroku 81   Shoyoroku 82   Shoyoroku 83   Shoyoroku 84   Shoyoroku 85  
Shoyoroku 86   Shoyoroku 87   Shoyoroku 88   Shoyoroku 89   Shoyoroku 90  
Shoyoroku 91   Shoyoroku 92   Shoyoroku 93   Shoyoroku 94   Shoyoroku 95  
Shoyoroku 96   Shoyoroku 97   Shoyoroku 98   Shoyoroku 99   Shoyoroku 100  


Data of the Chinese and Japanese Zen Masters
 Short Explanation of Classical Zen Works

To contents

    Upcoming Zazenkai and Sesshini2024jRev.2

Dear Beloved Sanga,

Last year, thanks to everyone's efforts, Sanfun Zendo was finally able to resume its activities. This is due to the blessings of the old masters who have devoted themselves to sincere spiritual pursuits and guidance over many generations, and to the seniors who have supported the Zendo with all their might, as well as to the achievements of the Zen participants who are diligent in their training day and night. I believe there is..

With warm regards,

                 Ken'ichi Kuramoto

Chief of Staff and Coordinator

Secretariat of Sanbozen society

Below are the guidelines for applying to participate in the 2024 Sanfun Zendo Hybrid Zazenkai &  Sesshin, so please refer to them.

DirectorFYamada Ryoun Roshi

SponsorFSanbozen Society

PlaceFSanfun Zendo

TimeFTo be published either in Kyosho on the homepage of Sanbozen.

MethodFHybrid (real and virtual participation at the same time)

Application PeriodFNo application required to participate
Method of ParticipationF‡@Real ‡AOnlineiIt will be informed separately by emailj‡BBoth
FeeF‡@Real 500 YeniTo be paid on the dayj ‡AOnline 500 YeniIt will be informed separately by emailj
Time Frame (Japanese time)F9 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. (with possible changes)
Online dokusan applicationF Please apply using link or QR code below,

(If you would like to apply by email, please contact us here,h Secretariat of Sanbozen Society, staff@sanbo-zen-international.orgh. Please specify the date of zazenkai.

Conditions for participationF‡@Real participation in sesshin is limited to those who have already completed "Shoken" with Ryoun Roshi and are disciples of Ryoun Roshi.@‡AHowever, an exception will be made for those whose participation is specially approved by Ryoun Roshi.
Application PeriodFOne month before the sesshin ¦Please apply by referring to the "Sesshin Participation Application Form" below.
Method of ParticipationF‡@Real ‡AOnline ‡BBoth
FeeF‡@RealcIt will be calculated and inform you each timeiPayment to be made on the dayj‡AOnline...Please make a donation (we will send you an email after the sesshin ends, so please pay online)
TimeFFrom 19:00 on the first day to 15:00 on the last day (we will confirm again when applying)
Please noteFThe number of participants is limited. If the upper limit is reached, priority will be given to those with a specific role and those who can participate in the entire schedule.

"Sesshin Participation Application Form"

šyFor realz

Please apply using the link and QR code below.

`If you are applying for real by email, please refer to the information below.`

NameF _________________
EmailF _________________
Date & time you wish to participateF1.Full Schedule (Night on the first day ` Last) 2.Others (Please fill in clearly)
MealF1. All meals are held in the Zendo during sesshin 2.Others (Please fill in clearly)
StayF1.Zendo 2.Other place
OthersFIf you would like to sit in a chair in the Zendo, eat in the living room, or require any other special consideration, please specify so.

šyFor onlinez
Please apply using link or QR code belowF

`If you are applying for online by email, please refer to the information below.`
NameF _________________
EmailF _________________
Online dokusanFDesired date (Limited to 19:00-20:30 Japan time / No dokusen on the first
and last day)
OthersF __________________

Application:Secretariat of Sanbozen Society.

Contact:Kenfichi Kuramoto, Secretary General of Secretariat of Sanbozen Society.

Thank you for your cooperation.

       Conditions for participation in San'unzendo hybrid zazenkai, sesshin, and dokusan online.      

Conditions for participation in Ryoun roshi and San'unzendo hybrid zazenkai and sesshin online
1.  Members who have paid their Sanbozen Society membership annual fee online will receive a "Information for Participation" via email.
2. Those who have received the "Information for Participation" will be able to pay the participation fee online, using that email.
3.  Those who have already paid their participation fee online will receive the event schedule and online participation link.
4. Details of the above procedure are provided in the "Participation Information" email, so please read it carefully and follow the steps. 
   * Regarding San'unzendo, it will be free of charge until November 2023 for trial operation. After that, a fee will be charged.
   * Note: The timing of the above operations may change slightly. Thank you for your understanding.

<Conditions for participating in Ryoun roshi/San'unzendo online dokusan>
1.  A person who is participating in a hybrid zazenkai or sesshin online.
2. If you are applying for online dokusan, you will need a Gmail address. 
3.  The date and time of the online dokusan will be announced via Gmail and Google Calendar, so please be prepared to use these tools if you are applyingiIf you are having trouble, please contact the secretariat and we will consider supportj.
4. The secretariat will limit the number of people who can apply for online dokusen (Restriction criteria will not be disclosed).
5.  Even if we accept your application for online dokusan, you may not be able to take dokusan due to time constraints on the day. We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your understanding.


 To apply for online dokusan, please specify the dates for the hybrid zazenkai and sesshin that you would like to apply for.
Please apply for online dokusan separately from online zazenkai and sesshin. Please apply from the address below.

Please note that online dokusan registration will close one week before the day of the event.
Applications for online dokusan are limited to those who are qualified to join Ryoun roshi's dokusan (Those who have already completed Shoken and are disciples of Ryoun Roshi).

ApplicationF Secretariat@of@Sanbozen@Society.
ContacF Ken'ichi@Kuramoto, Secretary@General@of@Secretariat of Sanbozen Society.
        ior, kuramoto@sanbozenj.onmicrosoft.comj 

How to use Google Meet and Google Calendar (to be able to participate in Dokusan)

This manual has been created in accordance with the general explanation of Google Meet, so please read "meeting" in the sentences below as "dokusan".

However, I do not think this manual is sufficient. If you require more detailed support, please contact the members responsible for member support listed at the end of this document.@

ƒKenfichi Kuramoto, Secretary General of Sanbo Society

If you do not have a Google account, you will need to create one (you can do this for free online). After creating an account, log in to your Google account and be sure to be able to use Google email and calendar (this is not difficult if you have a personal computer or PC).šIf you would like to join "dokusan", please apply via Google email (Gmail).


Once the conference (dokusan) organizer completes entering the date and time of the dokusan, participants, etc. in Google Calendar, it will be shared with the participants via email.

In addition, the schedule will be automatically registered in the Google calendar of the registered participants (see [3 & 4]).

*However, there are conditions (see Note 1).

Note 1: However, only the first invitation email contains the following content. When you receive an invitation email containing this content, you will be asked whether you know this sender, so click on "I know this sender." Please note that if this operation fails, the invitation email will be treated as spam. This process is done once and is no longer required.

šAn email similar to the image below will be sent to participants (excluding Note 1).

How to participate from "Google Calendar" on Chrome browser using PC or tablet:

If the procedure is successful, the event will automatically appear in your Google Calendar, and you will be able to participate from there.

yOn the day of Dokusanz

Open Google Calendar.

Open the schedule for the meeting you want to attend.

When you click "Join Google Meet", you will be connected to Google Meet and if you can see yourself on the screen, you are about to enter the room. Immediately to the right of your own video, you will see the "schedule name" and "current participant name", and if you click "Join now" below that, a large video of yourself will appear. Once it is in that state, you will be ready to participate (Standby OK), so please wait.

How to participate from the Google Calendar app using your smartphone:

Open the Google Calendar app.

yOn the day of Dokusanz
Tap the meeting schedule you want to join.
Tap "Join with Google Meet" to launch the Google Meet app.

When you connect to Google Meet and see yourself on the screen, you are about to enter the room. Then, "Current participant name" will appear just below your own image, and if you click "Participate" below that, a large image of yourself will appear. Once it is in that state, you will be ready to participate (Standby OK), so please wait.  


On the participant's calendar, the schedule name will be displayed as "1. Carmen san Dokusan", and the first number will indicate the order of Dokusan. For example, Dokusan time is displayed as 14:30-15:30. In that case, the first person's start time will be 14:30, but the second and subsequent people whose dokusan time is from 14:30 to 15:30 will be able to stand by at 14:30. Please wait until the Roshi comes into your room.  Please use the number at the beginning of your schedule name as a reference when waiting in line.

 Note 2: The Dokusan time may change suddenly depending on the situation on the day, and in that case, we will update the time on the calendar as soon as possible.

 <Member support for operation>

Carmen Afable (English)

Takuto Iguchi (Japanese)


Chieko Sakaguchi (Japanese)


*Please note that the support members listed above cannot provide support on the day of Dokusan.

Thank you for your cooperation.


      y Information z

Regarding gmember supporth for online work in hybrid zazen sessions, etc.

As all our members are already aware, the Sanbo society is currently in the process of making various system improvements. We will continue to strive to streamline our administrative operations through a new and different system, and to be able to serve more members and Zen practitioners around the world.
Kenichi Kuramoto, Secretary General of Sanbo society.

As various procedures are becoming digitalized, there are voices saying that gmember supporth is necessary for online work. Therefore, I asked for people from among our members who could help with this, and the following people were able to cooperate as "member support."

‡@ Shigeo Suzuki
‡A Takuto IGUCHI
‡B Chieko Sakaguchi
*Note: Please note that online support cannot be provided on the day of the zazen meeting, etc.

I would like to express our gratitude to the above-mentioned people for their generosity, and we hope that more opportunities will be provided to all members and Zen practitioners around the world.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Measures against infectious diseases such as COVID-19 during Sesshin
Updated: December 20, 2023
 1. If you are concerned about infection due to underlying health conditions, etc., we recommend that you participate online.

2. Wearing a mask is up to you. However, we ask that you cooperate with cough etiquette and that we may ask you to wear a mask in the dokusan room, etc., so please cooperate with us by bringing your own mask.

3. Please note that if you develop cold symptoms (sore throat, cough, fever, etc.), we will take preventive measures.

4. Regarding cases where you are suspected of having contracted or contracted COVID-19 before sesshin:
If at least 10 days have passed since the onset of symptoms and you do not have symptoms such as severe coughing, you can participate in sesshin. In addition, even if it has been about a week since the onset of symptoms, if you have no symptoms and a negative antigen test is confirmed, you can participate in sesshin.

The above is in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

                        Infectious disease control team
                        Kuramoto / Rainer / Sakaguchi

DATE day of week  time  Ryoun Roshi's guidance
Zazenkai & VirtualZazenkai
 Sesshin          Others         
12/3 iSun.j  9:00AM

@@ & Virtual Sesshin

DATE day of week  time  Ryoun Roshi's

Zazenkai & VirtualZazenkai
 Sesshin  Others
 1/27  iSat.j 9:00AM
@@ & Virtual Sesshin
 4/27  iSat.j 9:00AM `
 5/25   iSat.j  9:00AM `
      North American
Sanbozen Sesshin

(Santa Fe, USA)
@@ & Virtual Sesshin
 (Weyarn, Germany)
  9/28  iSat.j  9:00AM
œ   Memorial Service for the Late Yamada Koun Roshi
   Under planning  
  11/23  iSat.j  9:00AM
   Under planning  

* The text in red has been changed from the previous schedule.

* Simple Zazenkai will not be held.

Ken'ichi Kuramoto
Chief of Staff and Coordinator
Secretariat of Sambo society
(or, kuramoto@sanbozenj.onmicrosoft.comj

To contents

** Sutras:


          Shigu-Seiganmon (Four Great Vows)

This is a booklet with sutras and readings which are mainly recited in the San'un Zendo in Kamakura in Japanese original. The texts were compiled by Roselyn Stone Roshi in Toronto, Canada. The readers are free to download the texts and make avail of them according to the readers' own interests.

To contents

              to Announcements page

Top Page Top of English Page Short History of the SANBÔZEN The Fundamental Positon of the SANBÔZEN

Words from the Abbots     * Zen is not a religion.
    * People do not die.
    * Was Descartes right?

SANBÔZEN Zen Leaders with Their Zen Centers About the SANBÔZEN Society Membership / Donations Corner Information/Inquiries Selected Bibliography